भिसा आवेदन स्वीकृति को लागी सडक: सही समय कहिले हो? कसरी चाँडै तयारी गर्ने?

मैले 2010 मा यात्रा ब्लग सुरू गरें, तर यो 201 2013 सम्म थिएन जब मैले एक देशलाई भिसाको आवश्यक पर्ने देश जाँच गर्ने निर्णय गरें।

किन यो लामो समय लाग्यो? किनभने मलाई थाहा थियो कि यदि मैले भिसाको लागि आवेदन दिन खोजिदिए भने मलाई अस्वीकार गरियो।

विकासोन्मुख देशका आवेदकहरूलाई प्राय: कडा स्क्रीनिंग प्रक्रियाबाट जान र विकसित देशहरूमा पैतारमा खुट्टा राख्न निश्चित सामाजिक-आर्थिक आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्न आवश्यक छ। त्यतिखेर म काममा नयाँ थिएँ, धेरै कमाएन, कुनै बचत वा गुणहरू थिएन, र कुनै अन्य देश पनि थिएनन्। मलाई चार आवश्यक मापदण्डहरू तान्ने चार आवश्यक मापदण्डहरू थिएनन् – स्थिर रोजगारी, आर्थिक साधन, कडा सम्बन्धहरू, र यात्रा ईतिहास। मलाई थाहा थियो कि यो मेरो समय थिएन। अझै पनि, कम्तिमा।

त्यसबेला पछि, जब मैले यो लागू गर्ने सही समय नहुन सक्छ, मलाई पनि यो कुरा थाहा थियो यो एकदम राम्रो समय हो। र मैले तयार गरेको छु। मैले क्यान्डी वर्कको ख्याल गरें, लगनशीलतापूर्वक बचत गर्न शुरू गरें, र मेरो यात्रा ईतिहासलाई न्यानो बनायो, र आर्थिक र व्यावसायिक रूपमा निर्माण गर्यो। मैले मेरो समय गरेँ। मैले मेरो समय लिएँ। जब म अन्तमा तयार थिएँ, म विश्वस्त थिएँ कि म हुँ। र हो, मैले गरे। जसले धैर्य गर्न सक्छ उसले राम्रो चिज पाउछ।

यस गाईडमा के भयो?

किन कुर्नु?
सही समय कहिले हो?
कसरी आफैंमा भिसा अनुप्रयोगको लागि यो प्रारम्भिक तयारी गर्ने? 1। बैंक खाता खोल्नुहोस् र बचत सुरु गर्नुहोस्।
2. आयको एक स्थिर स्रोत खोज्नुहोस्।
You। यदि तपाईं स्वयं रोजगारदाता हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंको कम्पनी वा सेवा दर्ता गर्नुहोस्।
You। यदि तपाईं एक स्वतन्त्रकर्ता हुनुहुन्छ भने, कागजको ख्याल राख्नुहोस्।
Your। तपाईको करहरू फाइल गर्नुहोस् र यो सुरक्षित गर्नुहोस्।
Press। भिसा-मुक्त देशहरूको लागि पहिलो पटक यात्रा गर्नुहोस्।
A. क्रेडिट रिपोर्ट कार्ड प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्।

सम्बन्धित भिसा र अध्यागमन पोष्टहरू
यूट्यूब पोस्टेड पोष्टहरूमा थप सुझावहरू:

किन कुर्नु?

अवश्य पनि, त्यहाँ जोखिमहरु मा एक सद्गुण पनि छ। मलाई थाहा छ व्यक्ति जसले आफ्नो पहिलो प्रयासमा मायालु भिसाहरूको लागि आवेदन दिन्छन् र प्रदान गरिएको छ। तर तिनीहरू यस शासनको सट्टा अपवाद हुन्।

मेरो मामला मा, म यो जोखिम लिन सकेन। किनकि म बढ्दै जाँदा र ओभर यात्रा गर्ने योजनामा, म मेरो रेकर्ड दाग पु to ्याउन घटना चाहन्न।

यो एक भिसाको लागि आवेदन दिएको पहिलो पटक मैले years बर्ष मात्र भएको छु, तर मैले 20 भन्दा बढी आवेदनहरू उपलब्ध गरेको छु – Schenge, क्यानाडाली, अस्ट्रेलिया, जापानी र कोरियाली भिसाको नाम दिन। मेरो फोटो र परिवारका लागि सबै अनुप्रयोगहरूको उल्लेख नगर्न (किनभने स्पष्ट रूपमा, जब तपाईं यात्रा ब्लगर हुनुहुन्छ, तपाईं त्यस्ता चीजहरूको लागि पूर्वनिर्धारित हुन्छ। LOL!)। धन्यबाद, मलाई भिसा अस्वीकार गरिएको छैन।

म मेरो जीवनको त्यो अवधिमा क्रेडिट रिपोर्ट दिन्छु जुन मैले धैर्यतासाथ सही क्षणको लागि कुर्दै छु।

सही समय कहिले हो?

यो दूतावासमा निर्भर गर्दछ र भिसाको प्रकार तपाईं आवेदन गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ। उदाहरण को लागी, जापानी दूतावास अरु को रूप मा कडा छैन र आवश्यकताहरु को एक छोटो सूची छ। यस अवस्थामा, यदि तपाईंको वित्तीय स्थिति आदर्शबाट टाढा छ भने, एक वर्कआर्टर एक प्रायोजक फेला परेको छ। वित्तीय क्षमताको पहिचानको चिन्ताको चिन्ता त्यसपछि त्यस व्यक्तिलाई पाउँछ।

केही उदाहरणहरूमा, अयोग्यहरू सजिलै चिठीमा हटाउन सकिन्छ र वैकल्पिक कागजातहरू आपूर्ति गरेर बनाउन सकिन्छ। (हामी ती बारे अर्को पोष्ट लेख्नेछौं।)

तर धेरै दूतावासहरू तपाईंको आफ्नै प्रमाणपत्रहरूमा आधारित तपाईं मूल्यांकन गर्नुहुन्छ, यदि तपाईंसँग प्रायोजक छ भने पनि। यदि केहि पनि, तिनीहरूले आफ्नै गुणहरूमा नजिकबाट लिनेछन्। धेरै जसो योजना दूतावासहरू, उदाहरणका लागि, अझै तपाईंको सबै रोजगार वा कम्पनी कागजातहरू प्रायोजकको बावजुद अनुरोध गर्दछ। यदि तपाईं एक Stangen भिसा वा अन्य हार्ड-टु-इन भिसाहरू वा अन्य हार्ड-टु-इन भिसाहरूको कुरा गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंले वास्तवमै उनीहरूको आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्न काम गर्नुपर्दछ।

त्यसैले मेरो लागि, सामान्यतया बोल्दछ: सही समय हुन्छ जब तपाईं सामान्य आवश्यकताहरू – वित्त, कार्य स्थिरता, र जडसँगै तयार हुनुहुन्छ।

तर कसरी तयार हुन्छ? यदि तपाईं भिसा देशको लागि यात्रा गर्ने बारेमा गम्भीर हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईं अहिलेको रूपमा चाँडो तयार गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ। यहाँ केहि सुझावहरू छन् जुन तपाईं सही समयको प्रतीक्षा गर्दै गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।

कसरी आफैंमा भिसा अनुप्रयोगको लागि यो चाँडै तयार गर्ने?

1. बैंक खाता खोल्नुहोस् र बचत सुरु गर्नुहोस्।

हामी कत्ति धेरै सन्देशहरू प्राप्त गर्छौं जुन हामी प्राप्त गर्छौं जुन यस्तै केहि हुन्छ:

“हाई योस!

म यस हप्ता भिसाको लागि आवेदन दिनेछु। कोषहरूको बारेमा, मसँग यात्रा गर्न पर्याप्त पैसा छ। तर मैले गत महिना बैंक खाता मात्र खोलेको थिएँ।

के तपाईंलाई अस्वीकारको लागि कारण बन्न सकिन्छ जस्तो लाग्छ? ”

If you have plans of traveling abroad in the future, open a bank account as soon as possible. तपाईंसँग बैंकमा कति चीज हुनुहुन्न जुन दूतावासहरूले भिसा अनुप्रयोगहरूको आकलन गर्दा हेर्छन्। more importantly, they check the date the bank account was created and scrutinize the flow of money that goes in and out of that account.

Remember, most embassies require not just the bank certificate but also a bank statement (usually covering the transactions within the past 3 or 6 months). If they see that your account is brand spankin’ new, they might find it suspicious.

Even if you’re not planning on applying for a visa soon, open an account now and slowly build some savings. You’ll never know when an opportunityfor travel will come knocking on your door. If that happens, at least you’ve got one essential requirement down.

2. आयको एक स्थिर स्रोत खोज्नुहोस्।

Aside from financial capacity, another essential criterion is rootedness.

What is rootedness? Rootedness refers to how strong your ties are in your home country. In other words, you need to show that your life here in the Philippines is good and stable, and that you have no reason to overstay. Remember, a significant number of Filipino tourists violate visa rules in order to work abroad. That’s what embassies are trying to avoid. many visa applications that get rejected are due to failure to prove rootedness.

Having a stable job or company helps show that you have good life here and that you have a reason to return. This is why it’s always challenging to get a visa if you’re unemployed or recently resigned, unless your other requirements are stellar.

Having a steady source of income also proves that you did not game the system. Embassies sometimes run your bank details against your employment/business documents. If they see that things don’t add up, it can be a reason for rejection. For example, if your salary is only P20,000 per month but your bank account shows few deposits of P100,000 each, that can raise some red flags and be the cause of denial.

Does it mean that you need to work full-time to be ready? Not necessarily. read the next sections.

You। यदि तपाईं स्वयं रोजगारदाता हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंको कम्पनी वा सेवा दर्ता गर्नुहोस्।

Another common problem that we encounter in messages from our readers is the lack of documentation for their businesses. Something like this:

“हाई योस!

We’re applying for a visa this week. I have enough funds because we earn from our business.

The problem is, it’s not registered. I don’t have any company document.

म के गर्न सक्छु?”

Usually I tell them to submit any proof of income — invoices, contracts, etc. but that’s like throwing a Hail Mary. sometimes they work, but typically they don’t, especially with stricter embassies.

It would have been much easier if you just handled the paperwork in the first place. If you have a business, no matter how small, and you don’t have the papers yet, work on them now so you won’t have to worry about it in the future.

Another essential thing: Make sure the company is in your name! even if you are the “real owner” of the business, if it’s not under your name, it’s not technically or legally yours. You won’t be able to use it. We get messages like that too. They own the company but it’s in the name of a cousin or a grandparent. You can’t expect the embassies to believe you really own the company if none of the papers have your name.

You। यदि तपाईं एक स्वतन्त्रकर्ता हुनुहुन्छ भने, कागजको ख्याल राख्नुहोस्।

When it comes to visa applications, the most grueling period of my travel life was the early years of being a freelancer. even with all the documents, I had to continuously defend or discuss my employment status or source of income during visa interviews or immigration checks. Thankfully, I had the documents to back it up.

If you’re a freelancer, here are some tips:

Make sure you have a contract or a formal, written agreement with your clients.

Collect copies of your invoices and official receipts diligently.

Try to secure a certification from your client proving that you are engaged with them (sort of a Certificate of Employment).

File your taxes.

The last one is important. I’ll discuss further in the next section.

Your। तपाईको करहरू फाइल गर्नुहोस् र यो सुरक्षित गर्नुहोस्।

Whether you’re employed, self-employed or a freelancer, file your taxes. Yes, even if you’re tax-exempt (earning P21,000 and below), you should still file them for documentation purposes. Not only is it the right thing to do, you will also need a copy of your ITR (Income tax Returns) for visa application purposes.

The ITR is typically a requirement because it ticks all three items on the checklist: financial capacity, employment status, and rootedness. Some embassies won’t even ask you to submit a Certificate of employment but they demand to see your ITR.

Sure, it is still possible to get an approval even if you don’t have an ITR. (For example, the Korean and Japanese embassies sometimes accept a letter of explanation if you can’t provide one for a valid reason.) but it’s always best to provide when you can.

Press। भिसा-मुक्त देशहरूको लागि पहिलो पटक यात्रा गर्नुहोस्।

One way to improve your chances is by beefing up your travel history by first traveling to countries that don’t require a visa. Southeast Asian countries are a good start. When I was backpacking around ASEAN, I met some travelers who are trying to “collect” passport stamps in order to have a better shot at visiting visa countries. They get to reach their ultimate goal while enjoying beautiful destinations!

My first visa country was Japan (because it was the easiest to get). but before I even got there, I made sure I set foot first in visa-free destinations like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand.

That’s not to say that having no travel history means automatic refusal. Likewise, it doesn’t necessarily follow that having an outstanding travel history guarantees approval. It only helps increase your chances, provided that you have all the other requirements down satisfactorily.

A. क्रेडिट रिपोर्ट कार्ड प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्।

Owning a credit report card can also help your application. but it doesn’t make or break your application. think of it as something filed under “Nice to have”.

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A credit report card can be considered an additional source of funds when traveling. When applying for a Canadian or Australian visa, for example, a credit report card is one of the options for sources of funds. Some embassies also ask that you submit a copy of your account statement if you have one because it shows your spending and payment habits. It can help show that you are able to sustain your lifestyle here, assuming of course that you are not deep in debt.

Lastly, some embassies have agreements with credit report card companies. the best example is the Korean Embassy, which has been exempting some premium card-owners from submitting financial documents.

Some credit report card companies also partner with airlines and hotels for enormous discounts, which is not really visa-related but still pretty useful. Haha.

However, it is also essential to note that none of these can guarantee approval. nothing and no one can. You can have all these and still end up empty-handed. I have pals who have stable employment, outstanding bank records, and strong rootedness, but they still get denied a visa sometimes. luck also has a hand in this because much of it will depend on the officer who will be assigned to evaluate your application. but at least you know that you’ve done everything you can.

सम्बन्धित भिसा र अध्यागमन पोष्टहरू

Why having a sponsor can be bad for Visa Application & Immigration

Common reasons why Visa Applications are DENIED!

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