13 reasons WHY I FELL IN like WITH JAPAN

Posted: 5/30/2012 | may 30th, 2012
Updated: 8/5/2019 | अगस्त 5th, 201 2019

Last month, I explored Japan for three weeks. As you know, I was extremely excited. I had high expectations for a country that I had for many years dreamed about seeing.

And when you have high expectations, you can be quickly disappointed.

But Japan didn’t disappoint — it exceeded my expectations.

I liked Japan! Loved it beyond anything I expected. The food, the people, the architecture, the culture — it was bliss.

Just exactly how much did I like it? let me count the ways:

1. The gorgeous Temples as well as Zen Gardens

The temples of Japan are beautiful. The bells, the Zen gardens, the bamboo, as well as the torii gates truly do instill a sense of peace as well as serenity. finest of all? You can discover them all around the country, from huge cities to rural towns. If I ever settled down, I’m going to produce one of these in my own garden.

2. The tasty Sushi

Sushi was one of the things I was a lot of looking ahead to eating while in Japan. After all, Japan is the birthplace of sushi. To be totally honest, even the worst sushi I had in Japan was still as great as the typical sushi I’ve had somewhere else in the world. That’s exactly how great it was!

The sushi trains (those bit conveyer-belt sushi shops) even had fantastic toro (high-quality tuna)! as well as the very best sushi? The Michelin star, drain-your-wallet kind? So good, it makes you cry tears of joy. The flavor, the soft texture, the damp rice — heaven. I’ll be going back to Japan just for a lot more sushi!

3. The Politeness
I couldn’t get over exactly how amazingly polite everybody was. people went out of their method to be helpful. While getting lost trying to find my Couchsurfing host, a person walked me all the method to the address to make sure I got there. as well as a safety card who spoke no English just walked me to the ATM since he couldn’t describe the directions.

There was always an offer of helpfulness at the smallest indicator of confusion. There was always an apologetic “sorry” — even the signs, when letting people understand something was not allowed, began with “sorry.” There is just a courtesy as well as helpfulness that permeates the spirit of Japan.

4. The Friendliness

The lady who ran out of her home to speak with our excursion group. The guy who let everybody take 1,000 photos of his dog. The college trainees to whom I provided English lessons. The owner of the noodle shop who spoke no English however wished to have a fake game of baseball with me when I told him I was American. The old couple who just smiled at me while I ate at their sushi restaurant as well as provided me a thumbs up whenever I stated oishii (“delicious” in Japanese). The guy who assisted me location my buy in Japanese as well as was shocked when I understood the names of fish in Japanese. everybody was just useful as well as really friendly.

You don’t discover that type of authentic generosity in lots of places.

5. The strange Boyfriend/Girlfriend “Service”
While in Osaka, my Couchsurfing hold took me to the nightlife area as well as we did a bit people-watching. There on the street were young guy as well as women dressed in poor pop-star attire chasing down rich guy as well as women in buy to be their “friend for the night.”

And I don’t indicate in a sex worker type of way. They are just paid for their business (and even purchased stuff!). Strange, right? (How come nobody pays me to hang out with them?)

Apparently, they make as much as $1,000 USD for this per night, as well as there’s no expectation of sex at all! This makes the listing for one reason: it’s fascinating. Talk about something that is culturally Japanese! I might sit there on the street with some popcorn as well as enjoy as women as well as kids dressed like anime characters chase after sugar daddies as well as mamas who may get them drinks or poor outfits.

6. The awesome Bullet Trains

Bullet trains cut nine-hour journeys down to 2.5 hours. That’s what a lot more of the world needs. Spacious, clean, fast, as well as semi-perfect — they just requirement Wi-Fi as well as electrical outlets. They aren’t incredibly cheap, however if you get a Japan Rail Pass you can trip around the country on a budget plan as well as save a ton of money!

There are likewise great deals of other inexpensive methods to get around the country, too!

7. The walkway Vending Machines

You are never a lot more than 10 feet from a vending maker in Japan. anywhere you look, two or three machines are lined as much as provide you whatever you requirement — beer, sake, water, chilly tea, clothing, cigarettes, as well as much, much more!

Even on tiny, small-town streets without a spirit in sight, you would see the glow of one of these machines. You’ll truly be able to discover them everywhere!

8. The crazy Fashion
I like the crazy as well as goofy attire people wear in Japan। ग्रेजकुलका हावजुकुकु महिलाहरू परम्परागत, किनिनो-लगाउने स्थानीयमा। तपाईं वास्तवमै फेशनको सम्पूर्ण स्पेक्ट्रम हेर्न सक्नुहुन्छ – धेरै राम्रो वा खराबको लागि! मैले संकेत गरें कि मैले टोकियोमा देखेको व्यक्तिको तस्वीर हुँ।

फरक, हु?

To। बहुउद्देश्यीय ट्रेन स्टेशनहरू

एक रेल स्टेशन कहिले मात्र एक रेल स्टेशन छैन? जब यो एक जापानी ट्रेन स्टेशन हो! जापानमा, ट्रेन स्टेशनहरू केवल रेलहरूको लागि मात्र होइन, तिनीहरू पनि मल्ल, सुपरमार्केटहरू, ठूला रेस्टुरेन्ट क्षेत्रहरू, साथै कार्यालय भवनहरूका लागि हुन्। तपाईं यहाँ ट्रेन स्टेशन मा केहि पनि पत्ता लगाउन सक्नुहुन्छ, जुन तपाईं ढिला गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ वा घरमा केहि सम्झन असफल भयो।

सम्भावित क्षेत्र प्रयोगको बारेमा कुरा गर्नुहोस्।

10 विश्व-वर्ग सेवा
एशियाली देशहरुमा जहिले पनि पश्चिममा भन्दा धेरै राम्रो होटल सेवा हुन्छ तथापि जापानले यसलाई अझ स्तरमा लिन्छ। मैले मेरो झोला बाहिर एकदिन बाहिर पसे पनि तिनीहरू मेरो कोठा पाए। तौलिया हुर्किसकेका थिए किनकि उनीहरूले विश्वास गरे कि मँ चाहिएको थिएँ। मानक होटलहरूमा, मेरो ओछ्यानको म्याट डिनरमा सेट अप गरिएको थियो र बिहानको खाजामा बेलामा पनि लगियो। होटल स्वामित्वहरू तपाईं राम्रो-बाइ जे पनि धनुको साथ समाप्त हुन्छ। सबै जना सहयोगी हुन्छन्। अमेरिकी आतिथ्य महान छ, यद्यपि हामी पनि जापानीबाट एक वा दस फेला पार्न सक्छौं।

11. जापानी ईसाइन्स

म बाथहाउसहरूको फ्यान होइन। धेरै मानिसहरूसँग ना naked ्गो वरपर बसेर मेरो कुरा होइन। मैले जापानीहरूलाई एउटा प्रयास प्रदान गरें, यद्यपि त्यहाँ मेरोलागि नग्न मानिस थिए।

यद्यपि, म उक्त उभिएँ जब तिनीहरूले बिहान सबेरै नै पहिलो काम गरे तिनीहरू आफैंमा छन्। मैले स्वीकार्नु पर्छ: थोरै झिरहँग एक तातो स्नान मा बसिरहेको तपाईं एकदम झरना को साथ आरामदायी छ। म मेरो घरमा चाहन्छु … यदि म कहिले घर पाउँछु।

12. खातिर

जापानी चार्ट सेतो दाखमद्य मेरो मनपर्ने मादक पेय हो। सहज स्वाद, ठीक समाप्त, frurity स्वाद – MMMMM। यो जापानी खानाको लागि उत्तम साथीको लागि बनाउँछ। जापानमा फाइदा संसारमा हतारको भन्दा कतै राम्रो स्वाद हुँदैन; त्यहाँ केवल धेरै महान सामानहरू छन् (एक सत्य मैले यसको पूरा फाइदा उठाए!)।

मैले विशेष रूपमा पात्रको बारेमा खासै खुशी भएँ कि तपाईं कसरी भण्डारण लाभ नमूनाहरू पाउन सक्नुहुन्छ!

1 .. आधुनिक शौचालयहरू

यसलाई जापानीलाई आधारभूत शौचालयमा टेक्नोलोजिकल चरममा बदल्न छोड्नुहोस्। त्यहाँ तपाईं न्यानो सीटमा बस्नुहुन्छ, जबकि संगीतले खेल्ने छ, साथै ग्राफिक पाउने लागि माफ गर्नुहोस्, पानीको जेटको ज्यानल र पछाडि धुने ठाउँ तपाईं पनि शौचालयहरू पनि पत्ता लगाउन सक्नुहुन्छ जुन अत्तर पनि स्प्रिन्छ। यो धेरै अविश्वसनीय छ किनकि म आशा गर्दछु कि यी विश्वव्यापी रूपमा

मैले मेरो यात्राको अन्त्यतिर meji अधिक सूर्योदयको मजा लिएको छु, म जापान छोडेर डराएँ। जापान मेरो सबै अपेक्षाहरू पार गर्यो, साथै मैले यसको सतह मात्र बनाएँ। मैले कस्तो चमत्कारहरू याद गरें? जापानले के प्रस्ताव राख्छन्?

Hokkaido देखि ओटनावा सम्म, मेरो दिमाग मेरो सूचीमा सबै दृश्यहरूमा डार्ट भयो जुन मैले हेर्न पाइन। म पहिले नै पछाडि जान चाहन्छु। बिदा गर्ने दिन भित्र, म फिर्ता लिंदियो। बुलेट ट्रेन जस्तै, जापानको मेरो मनपर्ने देशहरूको सूचीको शीर्षमा पठाइएको थियो।

म चाँडै जापानमा जान फर्किनेछु।

र जब म गर्छु, यो लिस्टिंग पक्कै पनि लामो हुन्छ।

जापानको लागि यात्रा विचारहरू खोज्दै हुनुहुन्छ? खैर, यो धेरै यात्रा, म केहि अधिक समय फिर्ता आएको छु। जापानको साथसाथै जापानको साथसाथै म देशका सबै प्रमुख शहरहरूलाई राम्ररी निरीक्षण गरें। म तपाईलाई चाहिने जे पनि कभर गर्छु।

जापानको लागि तपाईंको यात्रा पुस्तक: लगवादी विचारहरू साथै चालहरू
तपाईंको उडान किताब
स्किननर वा मोन्डो प्रयोग गरेर एक सस्तो उडान फेला पार्नुहोस्। तिनीहरू मेरा दुई मनपर्ने ब्राउज ईन्जिनहरू हुन् जुन उनीहरूले वेब साइटहरू ब्राउज गर्दछ साथै विश्वभरि एयरलाइन्सहरू र विश्वभरि एयरलाइन्सहरू यस ढु stone ्गालाई याद गर्नुहुन्न।

तपाईंको आवास बुक गर्नुहोस्
तपाईं आफ्नो होस्टल होस्टेलवर्ल्डसँग बुक गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ किनकि उनीहरूसँग सबैभन्दा ठूलो सूची छ। यदि तपाईं एक होस्टेल बाहेक कतै रहन चाहनुहुन्छ भने, posting.com को उपयोग गर्नुहोस् जब तिनीहरू लगातार जूवाहरूको लागि सबै भन्दा सस्तो दरहरू फिर्ता गर्छन् र सस्तो होटेलहरू।

यात्रा बीमा सम्झन असफल नहुनुहोस्
यात्रा बीमा कभरेज भनेको तपाईको रोग, चोटपटक, चोरी, साथै रद्दहरू बिरूद्ध सुरक्षित हुनेछ। यो स्थितिमा विस्तृत सुरक्षा छ केहि गलत छ। म विगतमा यो धेरै पटक प्रयोग गर्नुपर्दैन किनकि मैले विगतमा धेरै चोटि प्रयोग गर्नुपर्यो। मेरो मनपर्ने व्यवसाय जसले धेरै उत्तम सेवाका साथै मानहरू प्रदान गर्दछ:

सुरक्षा विंग (600 को लागि सबैको लागि)

मेरो यात्रा बीमा (ती of0 भन्दा बढीको लागि)

Looking for the very best business to save money With?
Check out my resource page for the very best business to utilize when you travel. I listing all the ones I utilize to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Be sure to inspect out the Japan Rail Pass if you’ll be traveling around the country. It is available in 7-, 14-, as well as 21-day passes as well as can save you a ton of money on high-speed trains!

Want a lot more info on Japan?
Be sure to go to our robust destination guide on Japan for even a lot more planning tips!